Join us this New Year’s Eve for a noise demonstration in front of Orleans Parish Prison. This ongoing tradition is part of the international call-out to bring in the New Year with noise demos against prisons, jails, and detention centers.
Bring banners, loud noise-makers, pots and pans, brass instruments, sound systems, and whatever else you need to bring the ruckus. Please send this announcement to listserves and invite your friends.
Noise demonstrations are meant to break the loneliness and isolation of prison by breaching the walls with the sounds of solidarity. This small gesture reminds those on the inside that they are not alone, indeed that there are many of us on the outside fighting for a world without prisons or the police that keep them filled.
Noise demos also tell the jailers and police that no matter how many consent decrees they sign these coercive institutions will never become legitimate in our eyes; that something so inherently oppressive as a prison cannot be reformed short of being reduced to a pile of rubble.
This year a special shout-out goes to the imprisoned Matthew Duran and Kteeo Olejnik, as well as Maddy Pfeiffer who has been ordered to turn themselves in, for refusing to cooperate with a secret federal Grand Jury investigation targeting anarchists in the Pacific Northwest. Through acts of solidarity and mutual aid we wish to tear down every prison wall, brick by brick.