Sunday, January 8, 2012

From Carnival to Rebellion: #Occupy Mardi Gras

In NYC, someone recently published an article entitled Occupy Wall Street: Carnival Against Capital? Carnivalesque as Protest Sensibility which talks a lot about local anarchists and other unruly carnivalesque  factions, such as the Krewe of Eris, local professor John Clark's writings, and even mentions this very blog, if we may humbly admit. It discusses the Occupy Wall Street movement and it's adaptations of carnivalesque qualities in it's recent actions against the ruling oligarchy.
Mocking the rich in Louisiana...
....and in New York
While no doubt just another notch in the author's belt on their attempt to climb the heights of the vacuous, dangerous, and bankrupt institution of the academy and high art world, perhaps some locals will appreciate the insights it draws out about carnival and rebellion.

In the same vein, the local newspaper in Lafayette wrote an op-ed connecting the Occupy Wall Street movement to the roots of Mardi Gras, which turned social hierarchies on their head for a while, called Rich or Poor, We All Occupy Mardi Gras. While the columnist admires the inclusiveness of Mardi Gras, perhaps it would have been better to demand more than just some feigning, illusory gestures by the ruling elites in the form of bead and dubloon throws.

For the 99% of Louisianians to have any chance at a free and happy existence, we must demand the very real re-distribution of wealth (and it's attendant power) out of the hands of the motherfuckers who currently control our lives in a very totalitarian and un-carnvialesque way (that is, unless you consider OPP some type of House of Horrors kafkaesque amusement ride). The parades and carnival and costumes are very fun and cherished occasions, but they'd be even more fun if they ended in the looting of the rich, like they have during moments of explosion throughout history.
It looks like a second line to us!

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